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All posts tagged "Rebecca Wojciechowski"

HC Series 23

Ollie is keen to step up when his mentor’s 16-year-old daughter is rushed into theatre. But can he overcome his deep-seated fears? Eli feels...


Lev is unwilling to return to the hospital since being outed by Faith, and throws himself into motocross racing. He puts himself dangerously on...


Up to his eyes in work, an overwhelmed Noel is brushed off by Connie, but is quickly distracted by a troubled teenager in the...


Ethan struggles to cope in the aftermath of the incident at the market, and decides to throw himself into his work. When Theo, an...


Alicia finds out that she has been offered a place on a coveted paediatric fellowship in Manchester, forcing her to make a decision on...

Cas Series

Glen and Robyn are both rushed to the ED, where he finally tells her the truth about his seizures and agrees to undergo an...

Cas Series

Chemotherapy is taking its toll on Connie, but she remains determined to fly to America to spend Christmas with Grace. However, when she is...

HC Past Series

‘Fractured’ : Jac returns from a break to find Guy’s mother on the ward in need of urgent treatment. She is impressed with Jasmine,...

Cas Series

‘History Repeating’ : In a special 1,000th episode of Casualty, an old friend pops down from the obstetrics and gynaecology department and reveals to...

HC Past Series

‘A Friend in Need’ : Arthur receives some shattering news during his engagement party, and Adele makes a startling decision when an old friend...

HC Past Series

‘Left Behind’ : The day Mo is due to hand William back to his father arrives, and despite losing her position as the youngster’s...

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