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All posts tagged "Dylan Centric"


Iain returns to work, but there is a frosty atmosphere between him and Ruby. Whilst on a call Iain comes across an unconscious Base,...

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Iain struggles to make a speech at Sam’s funeral, only for Dylan to stop him mid-sentence and publicly blame him for her death. Elsewhere,...

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Wanting to keep busy, Alicia arrives back at work in the ED earlier than expected, and Connie gives her the job of medical lead...

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The fall-out from the recent tragedy affects the whole department, and Iain confesses to Jan that he could have prevented it from happening but...

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Ethan treats a pregnant woman who was rushed to the ED after her waters broke at a bus stop. However, as he learns more...

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Glen and Robyn are both rushed to the ED, where he finally tells her the truth about his seizures and agrees to undergo an...

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Joseph, a man from Dylan’s AA group, is admitted to the ED having suffered a stroke following a one-night stand with Ciara, a fellow...

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Dylan struggles to keep his alcoholism under control, as staff on the ED deal with what is suspected to be a case of domestic...

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Elle panics when she wakes one morning to find Blake has not been home, and an already tense situation is made worse when he...

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The truth about Connie’s illness is out, following her dramatic collapse while at work. As she recovers, she is devastated to hear that her...

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Connie attends her first day of chemotherapy, and in her absence, she places Ethan in charge of the ED. However, his overly thorough approach...

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The day of Charlotte’s christening arrives, and when a flustered Robyn steps into the ED staff room, she finds herself face-to-face with Glen –...

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