Former CASUALTY actor Derek Thompson, who played original cast character Charlie Fairhead up until his departure earlier this year is due to attend the...
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HOLBY CITY actors Bob Barrett (Sacha) and Debbie Chazen (Fleur) will be reuniting in a theatre production of Murder on the Orient Express. In...
Former CASUALTY actor Tony Marshall is about to appear in a one-man show at the Brixton House Theatre. Tony, who played receptionist Noel in...
Former HOLBY CITY actress Sharon D Clarke and former CASUALTY actor Shaheen Jafargholi are amongst the cast of new BBC drama ‘Lost Boys & ...
Former CASUALTY actor Derek Thompson, who played original cast character Charlie Fairhead up until his departure earlier this year is due to attend the...
The BBC have revealed that Don Gilet will be the new lead detective in ratings-smash crime drama Death in Paradise. Don played Anaesthetist Jesse...
Former CASUALTY actress, Azuka Oforka, has written a play ‘The Women of Llanrumney’ which will be performed at the Sherman Theatre in Cardiff from...
Former CASUALTY actor Jonathan Kerrigan is currently appearing in theatre production ‘Sweat’ at the Royal Exchange in Manchester. Jonathan plays Stan in the drama...
Rosie Marcel is giving a number of HOLBY CITY items away in raffle for the Pack Project, in which she is an ambassador for....
Former CASUALTY actor Luke Bailey formed a band Small Black Arrows with Jimmy Hanley and their new release ‘British Museum’ is currently making waves...
Former HOLBY CITY actor Guy Henry appears in the current series of Death in Paradise. Guy plays the role of Ray Saunders, the former...
HOLBY CITY’s Rosie Marcel is reuniting with some of her former cast members; Bob Barrett, Guy Henry and Sarah Jane Potts for an animal...