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Cas Series

S7 E12

S7 E12 (28 Nov 92) : If It Isn’t Hurting by Jacqueline Holborough

Episode Summary

Ash and Nikki have an argument and split up. Sandra receives a written warning, and is not happy, Julian offers to take her out to dinner – but her husband David is back. Duffy has been thinking about Peter’s father, Andrew, since her cancer scare. He has a research post in London and she thinks about getting in touch.

There are builders in the hospital doing up conference rooms, Julian is annoyed the money is not being better spent.

A farm owner, Paul, facing bankruptcy, goes berserk and stages a siege. It ends in horror when he shoots dead his baby girl, Becky, and injures his son, Eamon, in the head, and wounds himself. Eamon needs a craniotomy and to the displeasure of Julian, is forced to move him to Queens Hospital as there weren’t enough ITU beds. Paul suffers lung damage. Sandra has the task of telling his distraught wife, Pat, that her baby is dead and Eamon is critical.

A cantankerous disabled man, Mike, falls from his wheelchair and cuts his hand. His wife, Olive, takes him to casualty and tries to abandon him there. Norma sympathises with Olive and Charlie finds her outside in her car ready to drive off. He persuades her to talk to him, but it’s only to say her goodbyes.

Duffy treats a traffic warden, Beryl, who has had her ear-ring pulled out on her first day by an angry driver, Bill, who is also brought in after being poked in the eye by her colleague, Joyce, who’s an old friend of Norma’s. Bill apologises to Beryl, but she says she’s going to quit.


* Paul Bolt – farm owner shoots himself – wounding his lung.

* Becky Bolt – toddler dies after being shot by father Paul.

* Eamon Bolt – shot in back of head by Paul, and has a craneotomy. Moved to ITU at Queens.

* Mike Burton – falls out of wheelchair and cuts hand on glass. His wife abandons him in A&E.

* Traffic warden, Beryl Norman, has ear-ring pulled out in dispute.

* Bill Hardy – angry driver who is poked in eye.

First Scene/words

Biker goes into farmhouse, Paul looks through window, while wife Pat is asleep;

Pat : What are you doing?

Paul : Nothing, can’t stop myself waiting even when there’s no reason. Do you want a cup of tea?

Pat : Yes thanks, oh Paul I wish you’d..

Last Scene/words

Pat : Where’s Becky? Where’s my baby, is she here?

Sandra : No…

Pat : Is she hurt? Why won’t anybody tell me (Sandra looks upset) She’s dead, she’s dead isn’t she?Sandra : (tearfully) I’m very sorry.

Notable Facts

* Phillip Madoc plays Mike.

* Sandra reveals to have had a written warning before when she was a student.

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