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Cas Series

S9 E22

S9 E22 (11 Mar 95) : Nobody’s Perfect by Lisa Evans

Episode Summary

When pilot Alan O’Keefe is delayed in town, his wife Stella agrees to fly a client to his meeting. As they touch down on the return flight, Alan is horrified to see Stella lose control of the aircraft and crash. He manages to pull both his wife and her passenger from the burning wreckage. But the reason for the crash only becomes apparent later, when it is revealed that Stella has been having blackouts.

43 year old Ros McGregor collapses in reception after a recent abortion causes an infection. Her lover, who is in his early twenties, is upset that she did not keep the baby; and Ros’ son, Cal, is an ardent campaigner against abortion.

Margaret Rake is brought in semi-clothed after having spent the night drunk in a rubbish skip. She is unable to come to terms with the death of her daughter and neeeds counselling, but her husband wil not accept or admit that there is anything wrong.

Notable Facts

* Judy Loe plays Ros McGregor.

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