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Cas Series

S12 E23

S12 E23 (7 Feb 98) : Taking Sides by Steve Chambers

Episode Summary

Rhona Patterson is a women boxer who gets knocked out by a headbutt from Carla Reid in an illegal boxing match. Rhona is in resus when she gets angry, realising that Carla was trying to make her look bad as a German man had come to watch that game and Rhona has been planning to go to Germany to become a professional. She runs out of resus, not caring about George trying to stop her, and starts a fight with Carla, who is waiting in reception. Sam tries to put an end to it, getting hit while doing so, but the fight comes to an abrupt end when Carla kicks Rhona in the stomach, resulting in Rhona having a miscarriage. Carla is upset, saying that she had no idea Rhona was pregnant and that she only wanted Rhona to stay as she was – her best friend.

Ethel Braithwaite is an old woman who is brought in after being found in supermarket having problems with breathing and a nasty-looking cut on her leg. She is trying to convince them that she does not live in the supermarket, but that she used to live at the bus station in Leeds until she recently moved away from there. They find her a place at an old people’s home, but they cannot take her there until the evening, so instead Tina takes her by taxi to visit her daughter who she has not seen for 25 years. Tina is surprised to find out that they are heading to a cemetery and to the grave of Ethel’s daughter Celia, who died in a road accident when she was only seven years old.

Tina has been staying with Eve, but now she say that she wants to go back to work, so that she has something to keep her busy, stopping her from having too much time to think. After talking to Sunny’s sister Karen, who has come to say him goodbye because she is going back to Liverpool to start a new life without Mike (her ex-boyfriend who had attacked her), Tina decides to talk to the police and Eve arranges it so that they are coming to the hospital to talk to her. Eve says that she does not want to pressure her into it, but that her sister died when she was young, after being attacked, and that her mother did not let anyone ever talk about it and she does not want Tina to have to suffer in silence. Tina gives the police her statement, thinking that everything now will be over. What she does not know is that the security camera tapes that Elliot has are useless and the police tell him and Eve that without them their chances to press charges are very small, leaving Eve wondering how she can tell this to Tina.

It is finally time for the charity football game that Josh has organised in order to collect some money to get a computer to St James’ Childrens Home where Liam is staying. Penny is still against the whole thing, saying that he will never collect enough money and that he cannot buy happiness. However, after the game Josh tells that he got enough money together, but this is only because he himself actually paid the couple of hundred pounds that were missing. Laura has brought Jade with her to watch the game and Mark is trying to find time to talk to her, especially after Laura earlier on let it slip that she has got a new boyfriend who only wants her, not a daughter on the bargain. Mark does not have time to talk to them, but after the game he and Charlie find Jade alone, standing in the middle of the car park and they realise that Laura has left Jade to stay with Mark.


– Rhona Patterson, knocked out by headbutt while boxing, later on has a miscarriage

– Carla Reid, another boxer, got cut above her eye

– Ethel Braithwaite, a homeless woman, cut on her leg and problems with breathing

First Scene/ words

[At a little boxing arena a fight between two girls is about to start. People are placing bets and start cheering as soon as the game starts. After only a while one of the girls does a headbutt, knocking the other girl unconscious.]

Last Scene/ words

[Charlie is walking in the car park outside the children’s home when he suddenly notices Jade standing there between the cars.]

Charlie: Hello sweetheart, you alright? Where’s your mummy?

[Charlie notices a small pieces of paper in her hand.]

Charlie: What’s this? Mark! Alright, here’s you daddy.

[Mark walks towards them, looks at Jade and takes the paper she has been keeping.]

Mark: She’s gone.

Charlie: Who’s gone?

Mark: Laura.

Charlie: Laura’s gone? What about….

[Charlie looks at Jade, then at Mark and understands that Laura has left Jade to be with Mark.]

Mark: Come on baby, let’s go home.

Mark takes Jade into his arms and walks away.

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