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Cas Series

3.03 Drake’s Drum – 23/9/88

S3 E3 (23 Sep 88) : Drake’s Drum by Keith Dewhurst

Episode Summary

Duffy is late for her shift, she reveals that her bus had a puncture. It’s obvious that she is still not really coping with her grief over the loss of her boyfriend Peter. She doesn’t tell anyone.Student nurse, Alison McGrellis is due to be spending the day with Keith and Shirley in the ambulance. She reveals to the receptionist Sadie that she isn’t looking forward to it, as she doesn’t like Keith’s jokes. Their first call is to a young asthmatic girl, Mary, whose breathing is made worse by her arguing parents, Monica and Roger. They hadn’t renewed her prescription when her inhaler ran out.

A homosexual vicar, Tony Vasser, goes to A&E, giving himself a fake name ‘Kevin Roberts’. He has a rash which Duffy treats, telling him it is just a nettle rash and will go away if he applies some cream. It’s obvious that there is another problem, and Duffy manages to get it out of him. He reveals he is HIV and thinks he has AIDS. Duffy is able to advise him due to her own personal experiences, and tells him he has nothing to be ashamed about. He tells her that he is a vicar and he feels that it is God’s punishment for being gay.

One of Tony’s parishioners, Mr Howlett, is also brought into A&E. David spots a rare disorder – a cardiac tampinard and calls the Medical Registrar, who successfully operates on him in CRASH. David and the Medical Registrar celebrate afterwards, and perform a victory dance in the lift.

A young boy, Kris Cross, comes in with his worried mother, after getting his trouser zip caught – he has to be circumcised. The staff assure him and his mother that there is nothing to worry about and he will be able to live a normal life. Kuba keeps him amused with stories about dinosaurs.

Megan treats an old woman, Mrs Unwin, who has been incontinent for three weeks. And Charlie has trouble with a regular, throwing chairs – one hitting Kuba and causing mayhem in reception.

Ewart takes a night boat trip and reminisces with a colleague, Keith. He tells Ewart rumours of Valerie closing the Observation ward. Valerie has been trying to contact him all evening, and at midnight they have a heated argument when it turns out that the rumours are true.


* Charles Howlett – ex headmaster, suffers a rare heat condition, a cardiac tampinard – the Med Reg and David successfully treat him in CRASH.

* Homosexual vicar Tony Vasser comes in with a nettle rash, which is treated with penton tablets. He is also HIV, which Duffy advises him on.

* Mary West – 8 year old asthmatic girl, brought on by stress of her parents arguing.

* Mrs Unwin – been incontinent for three weeks.

* Kris Cross – young boy with his trouser zip caught – has to be circumcised.

* Man – bitten by a monkey.

First Scene/words

Vicar in church, hears singing choir, leaves with bike, he’s then at Mr Howlett’s house;

Tony : As I say Mr Howlett, as I have not seen either of you in church for some weeks, I dare say it must be now. I thought it high time I poke my nose in.

Mr Howlett : You don’t look too well yourself.

Tony : No, some sort of allergy, I dare say, maybe the soap I’m using…

Last Scene/words

Tony : When you’re better Mr Howlett, I’d very much like to talk to you about that.

Mr Howlett : What?

Tony : Sir Frances Drake couldn’t come Mr Howlett, they sent me and the Staff Nurse instead. (Duffy overhears and smiles)

Notable Facts

* Brian Capron plays the Medical Registrar.

* Jane Wood plays Mrs Cross.

* Ewart and Keith were medical students together thirty years ago. They once went down to Brighton, after Ewart’s engagement was called off with ‘Mollie Gibbons’

* Tony Vasser gave a fake name ‘Kevin Roberts’ and said he lived at 49 Cavert Terrace .

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