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All posts tagged "Rash Centric"


Taking his own advice with reassurance from Ruby and Jan, Iain decides to join the HEMS team. Meanwhile, Rash’s career is in jeopardy when...


Archie takes matters into her own hands to try and get justice for a wronged patient, and decides to help him escape from the...


Ethan struggles to cope in the aftermath of the incident at the market, and decides to throw himself into his work. When Theo, an...


A major incident sends the emergency department into chaos after a lorry is purposely driven into a market, injuring many innocent people. Ethan is...


Charlie begins to realise how much he has let Duffy down and schedules her on different shifts to him to give her some space....


Charlie snaps under the pressure of keeping Duffy’s ill health a secret, and Rash puts aside his dreams of travelling the world to stick...


Arriving for his shift, David is shocked to learn that Dylan volunteered to work over the Christmas period. Noel meets his Christmas fundraising goal,...


Duffy wakes up in a hotel room, having slept with Bill. Full of guilt, she sends him away and gets ready to leave. On...


Rash reels from his break up with Gem as she refuses to accept his apology, while David reaches desperation point and gets in touch...


Jacob is shocked to find Omo, his schizophrenic mother, has arrived in the ED along with his son Blake. Elle goes to deal with...

Cas Series

Wanting to keep busy, Alicia arrives back at work in the ED earlier than expected, and Connie gives her the job of medical lead...

Cas Series

Alicia decides she wants to put her night with Eddie behind her. Bea tries to be supportive, but struggles to hide her disappointment when...

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