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Stevie plays a dangerous game with her mystery man, while Iain reaches boiling point and crosses a line, and Nicole makes the ultimate sacrifice.


Jacob is determined to find Blake, but ends up trapped in a house with a woman who displays signs of unstable behaviour and whose...


Cam is haunted by his past in the storm’s aftermath, and has no choice but to go against Siobhan’s instructions to take things easy...


The ED is overrun with patients suffering with the repercussions of a devastating storm. Iain puts his life on the line to save a...

HC Past Series

‘Aftertaste’ : Zosia is excited when Sacha finally gives her the chance to prove herself with a challenging patient, only for events to take...

Cas Series

‘Keeping Schtum’ : Dixie and Rita are enjoying a night out when they spot a woman running away from an alley in distress, and...

HC Past Series

‘Life After Life’ : The day of Emma’s surgery arrives and Jonny is appalled when Jac decides a patient needs her more than her...

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