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Present News

New Year, New Look

CASUALTY embraces it’s new home in Cardiff as visit Set. were invited to tour the new Set at Roath Lock in Cardiff this week in preparation for CASUALTY’s new look which will screen in the New Year.


Despite the initial hesitance at leaving CASUALTY’s original home based in Bristol for the last 25 years, it seems the cast and crew have really embraced their new home – and with great cause.


Although much is still underwraps, can reveal that the new Set looks absolutely amazing – spacious, modern with an inbuilt outside Set that includes the outside of the hospital (which matches it’s current layout plus extras) as well as it’s own street that includes local amenities including a bookies, estate agent and a pub for the ED staff to congregate after shift.


The new inside Set has an open plan reception area and plenty of new additions that include a hospital snack shop, paramedic’s own staff room and a new upstairs ward in homage to the late Geraint Morris – CASUALTY’s original producer. Upstairs also holds a meeting room which apparently plays a key part in an upcoming storyline.


CASUALTY's Prosthetics were also given a tour of the prosthetics department with head make-up and prosthetics designer Marcus Whitney who is clearly one of the best in his field.


CASUALTY’s new look, which is due to return on 7th January following a short Christmas break will start with a double episode (90 mins + 60 mins) – classic CASUALTY-style episodes stunt-filled and explosive. Debuting in HD and with new opening credits.


Oliver Coleman will also make his first appearance as newcomer, paediatric doctor Tom Kent, who is set to be a firm favourite with viewers. There’s also some high profile guest stars lined up including Danny Dyer and Abi Titmuss.


And with new producers Jonathan Young and Nikki Wilson keen to take the show back to it’s roots, it seems there’s exciting times ahead for CASUALTY next year.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. michelle

    December 3, 2011 at 1:15 pm

    It looks great from the outside you can see it from the window of where I work.

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