‘Fatal Error (Part One)’ : Lofty struggles with the pressures of his new position when he is asked to run the nursing team for the day. He manages to secure a small victory by removing a disruptive patient from the premises, but his actions backfire when the same patient is brought back to the emergency department with a life-threatening injury.
Things only get worse when a silly mistake causes an agency nurse to receive a shock from a defibrilator, and the error appears to leave Lofty’s career in tatters.
Meanwhile, a miserable Big Mac tries to apologise to Noel for his deception, but when Louise attempts to get to the bottom of his troubles, he misses another opportunity to tell the truth.
Written by Mark Catley & Vincent Lund
In this article:27 Feb, Casualty Double Episodes, Dylan Centric, Lofty Centric, Mark Catley, Vincent Lund, Zoe Centric