Ethan is rushed into hospital suffering hallucinations of his dead brother, and reliving an incident when he made a disastrous mistake while treating a...
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Ethan is rushed into hospital suffering hallucinations of his dead brother, and reliving an incident when he made a disastrous mistake while treating a...
‘Reap the Whirlwind (Part Two)’ : Sam’s rash decision to man the ED himself during the staff strike comes back to haunt him when...
‘Reap the Whirlwind (Part One)’ : The first day of Cal’s planned strike arrives, and while he and his allies set up their picket...
‘When the Whistle Blows’ : Stan Cullen hopes to escape the tyranny of a bullying boss by burning down a building on a secure...
‘Five Days’ : Robyn is feeling positive following the premature arrival of her daughter Charlotte. However, it seems she is failing to grasp the...
‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’ : Alicia is surprised to discover her long-estranged parents Howard and Jackie are planning to give their marriage another...
‘What Lurks in the Heart’ : Dylan becomes the source of gossip after Seb’s allegation, but Max and Jez are determined to help him...
‘A Clear Conscience’ : Big Mac’s secret painkiller dependency is starting to take its toll on his health, and when the drugs he stole...
‘Buried Alive’ : Despite their recent shared ordeal, in which Jacob proved the depth of his feelings for her, Connie decides she must forsake...
‘Sweet Child of Mine’ : Connie becomes embroiled in a convicted murderer’s plan to escape from prison by being admitted to Holby, in the...
‘High Tide’ : The repercussions of the defibrillator accident continue to reverberate for Lofty, who must face the consequences of his actions by explaining...
‘Fatal Error (Part Two)’ : In the aftermath of the incident that saw agency nurse Diana receive a shock from a defibrillator, Lofty must...