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Rosie Marcel Interview

Holby City actress Rosie Marcel, who plays surgeon Jac Naylor, has currently taken time off from filming to do a six day trek in the stunning Carpathian Mountains of Romania for the charity WSPA, a charity she is a strong supporter of.Rosie talks to about her reasons for doing the trek aswell as chatting about her role as Jac Naylor. Fans have willed her character to win back Joseph from black widow Faye, but does Rosie think it will ever happen? Describing Jac and Joseph’s relationship as ‘shambolic’, she agrees that ‘They have to end up together!’


HOLBY CITY actress Rosie Marcel, who plays surgeon Jac Naylor, has currently taken time off from filming to do a six day trek in the stunning Carpathian Mountains of Romania for the charity WSPA. Rosie talks to about her latest challenge and her time on HOLBY… 

You’ve been on Holby for 4 years now, are you still enjoying your time on the show?

Time has flown by since I’ve been on Holby. I cant believe its been four years now! I guess that means I’m still enjoying it!!!!

Jac must be a fantastic character to play, can you relate to her in any way?

I relate to Jac in the sense that I am also a very strong willed woman. But that’s about it! I wouldn’t tell you if there were any other similarities for fear of retribution!

What kind of feedback do you get from viewers?

Most of the feedback I get from the viewers is very nice. Alot of the people I meet tell me that they they really dislike Jac but cant help but love her too. Shes like Dirty Den, everyone loves someone to hate.

What have been your most memorable storylines to play so far?

I think my most memorable storylines so far have been the attempted rape by one of Jac’s patients. It was a very physically demanding few episodes to play and it felt like quite a responsibility to get it right. Also the recent storyline with Jac and Joseph getting locked in a contaminated theatre basically thinking they were going to die. That was probably the most emotionally demanding week of my life. But l was so delighted with the end result.

How do you build yourself up for emotional scenes? Do you find it hard switching off after filming?

Doing emotional scenes like that isn’t easy for anyone. Personally I have to stay very quiet and down for the day. Keep to myself. I also have a few key songs that I listen to that help me get in the right frame of mind. I don’t find it hard to switch off after filming. Work stays at work. I am often emotionally drained and tired though.

How would you describe Jac and Joseph’s relationship. Do you think Jac will ever win him back?

Joseph and Jac’s relationship I think has become one of the more honest ones on the show. Which is suprising given how it started out! In one word its shambolic. But meant to be. I think there are two sides to a coin, they even each other out very nicely. They have to end up together! I think Joseph has to go through what he has to go through to eventually realise where he’s supposed to be, and I don’t think Jac would be happy with anyone else.

Who are your closest friends on Set? During the long hours on Set, what do you do to keep yourselves entertained?

My closest friends on set are Luke, Patsy and Amanda. We always seem to have so much fun together on set. And we’ve been together such a long time now that we know how to make the day go well, get the work done and have fun doing it. Alot of the time you’ll see Me, Patsy and Amanda knitting or doing embroidery to keep busy.

Who or what inspired you to become an actress?

My inspiration to stay being an actress came very late for me. I’ve been acting since I was three due to a pushy mother and a director for a father, so it was never a choice for me. When I continued to do well through school and college and found that there was not much else that I felt I was good at I decided to continue and started to get some really interesting parts that kept it forefront for me.

What are your own tastes in music? What was the last CD you bought?

I have an eclectic taste in music. I’m a big fan of The Foo Fighters and The Beatles. Led Zeppelin etc. Mostly rock based. The last CD I bought was one I happened upon on iTunes, a fantastic band called Automat. They’re a cross between The Beatles and Jellyfish. Very Power pop!

You are a strong supporter of the WSPA and will be doing a trek in September in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains, can you tell us more about this and why you’ve chosen to do it?

The WSPA trek I am going on has been something that I’ve been looking forward to for such a long time now that its hard to believe its here. I am a great believer in WSPA and the work they do all over the world. I think its of paramount importance that we try and preserve all wildlife in any way we can. We are losing whole species every day. The Romanian trek is to raise awareness and money for Europe’s largest bear sanctuary. The sanctuary re-homes bears that have been taken from their natural habitat and used in roadside entertainments and illegal zoos. It gives them a chance to live out the rest of their lives in their natural environment without fear or deprivation.

Have you done much training for the event?

I’ve been training almost daily for the trek now. Going to the gym and doing extra long walks with my dog in the mornings. I also had a two week holiday in Cornwall recently and went on a few ten mile hikes and did lots of surfing.

As an animal lover, do you have any pets?

I have a Siberian husky called Ainu and two cats called Lenny and George.

How long do you plan to stay on Holby? Do you have any future work ambitions?

I am very happy at Holby and as long as they continue to like having me there then I see no reason to leave. Obviously all actors are deeply unsatisfied so we all think about other work we’d like to do! I would love to a period drama or see how Jac Naylor would go down as the new British doctor in Greys Anatomy.


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