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All posts tagged "Mark Catley"

Cas Series

‘Flutterby’ : Love conquers all for a newly engaged young couple, while emergency nurse Charlie is on hand to help a father and daughter...

Cas Series

‘Belief’ : When perpetrators smash a bottle of acid in a room full of racist supporters, terror comes to Holby when victims from the...

Cas Series

‘Heart Over Head’ : A mother on the run from the police sacrifices her life for her pregnant daughter, while Dylan learns the power...

Cas Series

‘Home’ : Connie’s old boss Andrea returns to the ED as the specialist doctor to a young heart patient, and her insistence that the...

Cas Series

‘Unhinged’ : A man with dementia is brought in after suffering a bump to the head, and after giving the staff the runaround he...

Cas Series

S25 E28.1 (12 Mar 11) : WEBISODE by Mark Catley Episode Summary Andrew is a psychiatrist working on the Holby psychiatric ward. As he...

Cas Series

S25 E30.1 (2 Apr 11) : WEBISODE by Mark Catley Episode Summary Ruth Winters continues to struggle being institutionalised and encounters a mysterious stranger...

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