S19 E3 ‘Out With a Bang’ – S21 E16 ‘Silent Night’
Job Title
Staff Nurse
First Words
Ellen is Nina’s stepsister who was born and brought up in the Ukraine. Her mother died when she was young and she was brought up by her father. Ellen is a Daddy’s girl who is used to getting what she wants. When her Dad met Nina’s mum she was only 10 and she hated having a step-sister.
She arrives in Holby out of the blue announcing that she has a job at the hospital. She is stubborn, selfish and stunning, with a charm that makes it impossible not to like her. Ellen wants the best in life but does not want to work for it. A lack of mother figure has affected Ellen more than she admits. Her hobbies and interests are money and men!In S19 E3, Nina arranges to stay at Abs’s place for the night to take her mind off things. They are about to kiss when Ellen decides to pay her a surprise visit. Nina’s doesn’t look impressed. In S19 E4, Ellen starts her first day as Staff Nurse in Holby and she settles in well, but it’s obvious that her relationship with her step-sister, Nina, is strained. In S19 E5, Nina is still frustrated with Ellen, especially as everyone else seems to like her. She arranges to have a quiet night in with Abs and they are about to kiss when Ellen turns up at the door. Nina is furious and tells them both to leave. In S19 E6, Abs tries to talk to Nina about last week, but she is still annoyed and thinks that Ellen is manipulating him. Later Ellen tells Abs she will have to go home soon due to a lack of money. She breaks down, telling him she can’t go back to her father – he abuses her. In S19 E7, Abs hints to Nina that Ellen’s father abuses her. Nina is enraged and calls Ellen a liar. However, she wants to sort things out with Abs and invites him to go bowling with her that night but Jim, Selena and Ellen end up coming along, too. A tearful Ellen tries to leave, saying she is not in the mood to have fun. Abs tries to talk to her but Ellen kisses him, just as Nina walks in. In S19 E8, Abs speaks to Nina, telling her how much he likes her and that she misunderstood the situation with Ellen. Nina replies that if they are to stand a chance together he must tell Ellen to move out. When Abs tells Ellen the news she says that her work visa is running out and she will soon be deported to back her father in the Ukraine. In S19 E9, Ellen tells Abs there is one way he could help her to stay in the country: marry her. In S19 E10, Abs makes a mistake when he gives a patient the wrong injection, leading him to have a cardiac arrest. Ellen later covers for him when they are questioned by Selena. Abs is grateful but tells her this has not affected his decision to marry her. She is devastated. In S19 E11, Abs tells Ellen that he is sorry he cannot marry her and confesses to Nina about the proposal. She confronts Ellen and calls her selfish, but Ellen tells Nina to mind her own business and is annoyed with Abs for breaking her confidence. In S19 E12, tensions rise in Holby when Harry questions Abs and Ellen about the patient who went into cardiac arrest last week. Abs wants Ellen to corroborate his version of events but, when he discovers her crying about her visa problems, she says she is not sure that she should lie for him. Abs says that he will not be blackmailed – but later tells Ellen he will marry her. In S19 E13, Ellen tries to discuss wedding arrangements with Abs, who tells her he wishes they did not have to marry. Later, he tells Nina, who is shocked that he believed Ellen’s lies about the abuse. Nina confronts Ellen and calls her selfish, and says she has always wanted to have everything of Nina’s. Later, Ellen announces to the department that she is marrying Abs. In S19 E14, Claire quizzes Abs about his engagement to Ellen. Abs tells her the real reason they are marrying. In S19 E16, it’s Abs and Ellen’s wedding day and they have arranged a simple ceremony at a register office. Jim and Selena decide to organise a surprise wedding party for the couple and Woody picks them up after the service in a horse and carriage. Later, Abs and Ellen go up to the honeymoon suite. Ellen makes a move on Abs but he rejects her. She says they cannot see other people as their relationship must look genuine. Abs walks out and sees Nina downstairs. They talk and he tries to kiss her but she pushes him off, saying she refuses to be his mistress. In S19 E18, Abs reminds Ellen to fill in her work visa forms so that their charade can end. Later, Abs invites Bex round to talk, and tells her that he cannot continue the pretence of marriage for much longer. They end up in a passionate clinch, but Ellen bursts in, crying. She tells Abs that, to get her visa, she must go back to the Czech Republic for three months. In S19 E19, Ellen is worried sick about going back to the Ukraine. She leaves work early to go to a meeting with immigration services but, later that night, Abs finds her crying in the flat. She didn’t make it to the meeting because she was too upset; her father called to say he’s coming to England on a business trip soon and wants to see her. In S19 E20, Nina tells Abs that Ellen has had a secret meeting with her father, Gustav. He runs to the flat to ensure Ellen is okay. Gustav explains that, if Ellen returns to her homeland, she will be arrested, as she is wanted for defrauding Gustav’s business partner. Abs then tells Gustav how Ellen told him he abused her as a child, but Gustav says it’s a lie and Abs realises he has been the victim of Ellen’s evil plan. In S19 E21, Nina turns up at Abs’s house and tells him she knew nothing about Ellen’s fraud, but he does not want to talk. Nina confronts Ellen who tells her that she had to lie to Abs or she would have gone to prison. Nina warns Ellen to stay away from them. Ellen speaks to Abs and says that she never actually said her father was abusing her – he assumed it. Abs tells her she was wrong for letting him think that. Later that evening, Abs comes home to find Ellen cooking his favourite meal. She tries to talk to him again but he tells her that he cannot bear to look at her. Ellen says she wants them to have a real marriage. An incredulous Abs says that this is impossible and he wishes he had never met her. She retorts that he has no idea how difficult her life has been and blames him for letting himself be conned. He loses his temper, grabs her things, pushes her out of the front door and throws her onto the street. In S19 E22, Tess finds Ellen sleeping in the locker room, she tells her that Abs has thrown her out. Abs tells Ellen to stop playing the victim, she admits that she took advantage of him but that she loves him and wants a second chance. A young Russian woman is admitted who cannot speak English. Ellen has to translate, but Abs becomes suspicious of her translation as the woman is hysterical. Abs finds out that the woman was forced to work in a brothel against her will and was begging Ellen for help. She said nothing because she did not want immigration officers to come to the hospital. Abs is disgusted that Ellen was willing to send the woman back to her fate to protect herself. In S19 E23, Abs tells Ellen he is going to inform the immigration services about her – even if it means he must go to prison. Ellen is preoccupied with Abs’s news and her work suffers. When she is rude to a patient Tess tells her to go home once she has found cover. Later, her failure to notice a patient is deteriorating has near fatal consequences. Harry finds out and is furious, he takes her into his office and reprimands her. Ellen is insolent and Harry warns her that her behaviour was near negligent and he will not forget this. In S19 E24, Harry demands that there be a full investigation into Ellen’s behaviour. Ellen begs Abs to tell her what he said to immigration. He says that he did not speak to them but it does not matter because during the investigation they will find out she does not have a Visa and she has been working illegally. Tess speaks to Ellen, she tells her she will get a verbal warning. Ellen tells Tess she thinks her work permit has run out. Tess says the HR manager is her friend and she will see what she can do for Ellen. Abs cannot believe that Ellen has not been sacked but says they she will get what is coming to her once HR speaks to immigration. In S19 E25, Harry questions Tess over why Ellen is working at the hospital when she does not have a visa. Tess informs him that she is a good nurse, did have a visa when she started working there and that it is a nursing issue so Harry should not get involved. Ellen attempts to make up with Nina, but Nina retorts ‘You’re as good as dead to me!’, Ellen looks to Abs for reassurance, but he turns away. Ellen is also visited by the police who tell her that she could be charged with murder over the patient she neglected. Ellen decides she has had enough and vanishes into the night. In S19 E26 Ellen is still missing, Abs gets fed up with everyone asking him where she is. An immigration official comes to see him and questions him on her whereabouts. Abs tells her they had an argument and he does not know where she is. The woman tells Abs that they are looking into her case and if they find anything untoward the penalty will be severe – prison. In S19 E28 Abs and Nina are both interviewed by immigration officers. Abs lies, saying that Ellen was the love of his life and that is why they rushed into marriage. He relays this to Nina, but says it is her he loves. In S19 E29 Abs warns Nina that they need to be discreet. Luke almost catches them kissing in Abs’s office. Later, Nina tells Luke that Abs only married Ellen to help her out of a fix. That night, Abs has prepared a romantic meal for Nina but a surprise visitor arrives. The man claims that Ellen owes £15,000 – so now Abs will have to pay him back. He demands the first instalment of £5,000 next week. In S19 E30 Abs calls the loan shark and asks him to meet him that night about the flat to talk about the money he owes. Later, Abs is shocked to see the man waiting in reception for him. Abs tells him he cannot pay the money – but the loan shark warns him he must pay up. In S19 E31 Abs is feeling the pressure from the loan sharks. There’s no way he can find the cash he needs to pay off Ellen’s debts. He’s so desperate that he almost does the unthinkable and steals patient Vanessa’s holiday money, which he discovers when he is sorting out her belongings. He shares his dilemma with Nina who makes her feelings very clear: if he stoops that low, he’s on his own. Abs ends up handing in the money and taking Nina up on her more law abiding suggestion to save some cash; moving into the communal house with her and Claire. It’s not the ideal way to start a relationship, but it looks like Abs and Nina will be living together. In S19 E33 Abs tries to raise the money for the loan sharks but cannot get the cash and is beaten up. In S19 E34 Ian, the loan shark tells Abs to get him the money by 3pm – or else. Later, he demands cash from another man but his friends ambush him and beat Ian up badly. He is admitted to the hospital but refuses his medical examination. Abs checks on him and sees that his monitor is bleeping and he is asking for help. Abs puts the monitor on mute and stands there for a few seconds before deciding to help him after all. However, Ian’s condition worsens and he dies from an internal bleed. Abs rushes home to tell Nina the good news – they are free from Ellen’s debt. In S19 E37 Abs tells Nina that he hates keeping their relationship secret. She warns him that if immigration found out about them he could go to jail. In S19 E38 Abs tells Nina that immigration want to see him today. He asks Tess for the time off and Nina worries about what they want. He returns to work and tells Nina that immigration have dropped the case – they no longer have to hide their relationship. All Ellen’s charges are in the clear. Ellen returns to make a fresh start in S19 E42 when Will makes breakfast for Ellen Ellen turns up at work, asking why Will has not answered her calls. Ellen says she has come to find out about a job. In S19 E43 Abs is shocked to see Ellen back at work. Tess tells him that the agency sent her and she has asked them to supply someone else but they will not be able to today. Nina is horrified to see Ellen again. She wants to know what Ellen is doing here – she was meant to go back to the Czech Republic in order to get her visa. Ellen claims that this is where she has been, but Nina reminds her she would have been arrested for fraud. Ellen dismisses this, saying she has sorted everything out. Abs tells Nina to ignore Ellen, she will only be at the hospital for a day. However, impressed by Ellen, and still suffering from a staff shortage, Tess asks Ellen to come back tomorrow. Abs is furious. In S19 E48 Ellen ridicules Maggie’s patient Linda when she discovers she has been feeding her baby mashed up junk food causing Bless to have too much salt in her system. Upset by Ellen’s harsh words, she leaves the department with Bless. Maggie manages to catch her outside and persuades her to make Bless get the treatment she needs. Maggie tells Ellen off. Later, Will ends his affair with Ellen.
In S20 E1/E2 Ellen joins with staff members and paramedics during a building collapse and treats the injured. In S20 E3 an alcoholic old lady, Cynthia, arrives in the department with a stomach ulcer. Cynthia walked out on her family and her estranged daughter, Lucy, has a mixture of feelings when she sees her when Lucy breaks down Ellen comforts her. In S20 E4 Will ignores Ellen’s calls so the mischievous nurse hatches a plan to win him back when she discovers Selena is being discharged from hospital, by making Selena catch Ellen at his house in her negligee. However, her meddling soon backfires and it leaves both Selena and Ellen heartbroken. In S20 E5 Ellen quizzes Sarah, her step-sister’s best friend and soon realises the pair were more than just good friends. Sarah reveals to Nina that she wants her back – leaving Nina in a dilemma. In S20 E6 An elderly lady, Louise, is brought in after suffering a stroke. Her husband, George, is devestated when she dies and is adamant that no post mortem should be carried out. Josh misinforms him that this won’t be a problem. Ellen comforts George. In S20 E8 Ellen with Selena, Tess and Harry saves the live of a young child and afterwards after an afternoon off offers to help out with the children. Harry later arrives home to find that she has done a sterling job. In S20 E10 Ellen questions Harry on what he’s doing for his children for Fireworks Night. Unhappy with his answer, Ellen decides to buy food and fireworks as a surprise. Harry is overwhelmed by her genorosity. In S20 E12 a medical student, Toby, is dumped outside the department. As a prank his friends have put plaster of paris on his genitals. Toby attempts to chat up Ellen as she treats him, which doesn’t go down well with Harry. In S20 E14 Bruno, tells Ellen how to beat the new tracking system by discharging patients onscreen before they have really left. In S20 E15 Ellen treats a young woman, Cissy and her husband who both reveals to her that they have been saving money for IVF treatment. However Ellen delights the couple when a pregnancy test reveals Cissy is already pregnant. In S20 E16 only Ellen is slightly sympathetic during a massive boiling point to the staff and only Harry is isolated to his office where he retires and begins to write his resignation letter Ellen comes to keep him company, and is shocked by this. She encourages him not to resign by flattering him. Harry’s vulnerable and enjoys her praise, so Ellen seizes her chance and makes a move. Harry responds and the two begin to kiss passionately. In S20 E18 the new year flows by. Harry is feeling the heat from manager Nathan about the four-hour rule and his team aren’t happy with him. Ellen hatches a plan, so that Harry is provoked into defending his actions against Nathan and getting his department to realise the pressure he is under. But Harry is angered at her meddling. In S20 E19 Harry tries to cool his relationship with Ellen but she arranges for them to go to the opera. Harry tells Ellen he’s tried to get hold of the babysitter, but she’s busy. However, Ellen says she’s already booked her. Harry’s impressed and they head off together. In S20 E20 Ellen gives a reluctant Nina a lift to work and they come across an accident scene. Ellen sticks up for Nina when the crowd suggest she could do more. Selena congratulates Ellen on her quick work with Martin at the scene of the accident, but Ellen gives all the credit to Nina. In S20 E21 Tess asks Harry if he is going out with Ellen, but he strongly denies it. In S20 E23 Ellen tries to speak with Harry alone but a phone call interrupts them. The caller is a young boy, Robbie, whose mother, Carol, has gone into labour after a car crash. Harry and Ellen work together to help Robbie deliver the baby over the phone but tragedy strikes when he is run over by the police car that is out looking for them. Luke brings them into Casualty where Harry and Ellen work on the injured boy. Finally Ellen gets to speak to Harry alone and tells him she is pregnant. She is crushed when he asks her to prove it. Ellen ends up slapping Harry and he tells her to leave. In S20 E24 Elsewhere, Harry still does not believe that Ellen is pregnant. Nina also has her doubts until Ellen’s pregnancy test confirms otherwise. Nina apologises and as Ellen fears she will be alone, Nina cuddles her and says she will support her. In S20 E25 Meanwhile, Harry is still avoiding Ellen. Nina confronts Harry, telling him she saw the pregnancy test for herself, and Harry is forced to concede that Ellen may be telling the truth. In S20 E26 A dutifully bound Harry wants to do the right thing by his baby and so proposes marriage to Ellen. Ellen is surprised but pleased to accept his offer. Selena is not happy at the news, whilst Nina tells Ellen, he’s done the right thing. In S20 E28 Ellen treats one of Kelsey’s patients with Sam. Elsewhere, Ellen is suffering from terrible morning sickness and worries when she starts spotting. In S20 E29 Ellen worries about her scan but Harry reassures her that it is just a precautionary measure. Ellen goes for her scan and panics when the nurse says she is going to get the doctor. She looks at the screen but there is no baby there. Harry goes to see Ellen and asks if she lied about the baby. Ellen is distraught and insists she did three pregnancy tests. Harry says he will speak to the consultant to find out what happened. Later, Harry breaks the news – the consultant thinks she was never pregnant but instead had a molar pregnancy. This rare condition would explain the positive result and the morning sickness. Ellen is devastated to learn she was never carrying a baby but Harry has more bad news – Ellen has a growth in her uterus which needs to be removed. In S20 E30 after seeing her Consultant, Ellen is shocked to discover that there is a chance that she could have cancer. Harry does his best to comfort her. In S20 E31 Ellen tells Harry she hasn’t heard from the oncologist but really has an appointment today. Nina quizzes Ellen about the scan and Ellen has to tell her there is no baby and that she has a molar pregnancy and could get cancer. Nina goes to Ellen’s oncologist appointment with her feeling hopeful but is crushed to learn that Ellen has Choriocarcinoma. There is a positive prognosis though – it is a very treatable variety of cancer and, if confined to the womb, most patients fully recover within 6 months of treatment. She will need a course of chemotherapy asap. Ellen leaves in shock. Nina has to rush back to her shift, as she is late, but tells Ellen to go home – but she returns to her shift. In S20 E32 Ellen is alone in the staffroom. She reads the letter containing details of her first chemo session but defiantly throws it in the bin. When Harry asks about Ellen’s test results, she lies and says she’s fine and got the all clear. Kelsey is being supportive of her pregnancy and Ellen can’t tell her the truth, she’s going to let everyone make their own assumptions. Nina is furious with Ellen for lying to everyone. Ellen snaps and tells Tess and Kelsey she’s not pregnant – there is no baby and never was. They think she must have made it all up. She breaks down when Nina comes to see her, she wants to know why her, she can’t bear not thinking about the future. She can’t face the chemo session but Nina assures her she will be with her every step of the way. In S20 E33 the chemotherapy is making Ellen feel ill but, since she still refuses to tell anyone about it, the staff still think she is faking. Later, Abs tells Ellen that he wants a divorce and she runs off in tears. She tells Tess she has a migraine and is sent home. In S20 E34 Nina comments that Ellen looks really well and Ellen says she feels much better – she may even go for a holiday. Nina worries and doesn’t think she should go but Ellen says she needs a break. Nina sees a bandage on Ellen’s arm, Ellen says she burnt herself on the oven. Nina corners Ellen and asks why she is lying about this holiday. She doesn’t think Ellen is coping well with the chemo. She worries that Ellen needs help and offers to come and live with her but Ellen stubbornly says she doesn’t need help. Ellen treats a young bridesmaid who nearly drowns herself and this leads Ellen to then confess to Nina she needs to go into hospital but she don’t want anyone to know. The chemo is not working and she needs a much stronger form of chemo. She takes Nina into a room and tells her she doesn’t want her hair to fall out in clumps during the treatment – she wants Nina to cut it off now. Nina says no but Ellen says if Nina won’t do it then she will do it herself. Nina cries as she cuts her sisters long blonde locks off. In S20 E35 Nina goes to visit Ellen who is in an upstairs ward. Ellen puts on a brave face as they take a walk outside the grounds. However after Nina leaves, Ellen is in tears. Nina sees her crying when she returns to the ward, having forgotten to give her some chocolates she brought for her. Ellen breaks down and says she can’t fight the cancer and that it killed her mother. Nina tells her she’ll fight it with her. In S20 E36 Abs discovers Ellen’s secret when he bumps into her on the cancer ward, but she begs him not to tell anyone. Abs questions why Nina felt she couldn’t confide in him, but Nina is defensive. As Nina takes Ellen home, Abs shows up and offers them both a lift. In S20 E37 Nina calls Ellen to check she is ok, Ellen lies and says that she is at home on the sofa when really she is out and about. Ellen collapses in the street and Nina and Josh are called to the scene. Josh is shocked to see Ellen and Nina is forced to tell him the truth about her cancer. Ellen begs Josh not to send her to Holby and Josh says he will see what he can do. However, he can’t sway it for her and she is taken to Holby. When Tess sees Ellen she thinks she is being a drama queen until Nina tells her the truth. Tess is shocked and promises to try and stop anyone from seeing Ellen. Tess is keeping Ellen hidden. In her cubicle, Tess apologises to Ellen for being hard on her. Ellen explains that she was pregnant but it was a molar pregnancy which left her with cancer. Alice goes to open the curtain but Tess stops her. Sam and Kelsey are watching and are intrigued as to who the patient could be. Later, they kick a bucket of water over by the cubicle in the pretence they will need to open the curtain to mop up the spill. Tess opens the curtain demanding to know what is going on – revealing Ellen. Harry looks for Tess demanding to know why the patient in cubicle 7 (Ellen’s cubicle) has not been checked in. Before anyone can stop him he pulls back the curtain and is astounded to see Ellen there. Harry is furious that Ellen didn’t tell him about the cancer and says some hurtful things before storming off. Later, Harry apologies to Ellen saying he reacted that way because he was hurt that she hadn’t felt she could confide in him. Ellen explains that she simply didn’t want people feeling sorry for her and Harry promises her she will get through this. In S20 E39 Ellen is back at work, however collapses on shift. Distraught she breaks down to Abs in a cubicle. He suggest reike therapy might help. In S20 E40 Harry is shocked to discover Ellen has stopped her chemo. Abs tells her the reiki should be used with chemo not as a substitute. In S20 E41 Ellen surprises Nina and Abs by buying them a camper van to thank them for their support and then suggests that they move back in together. In S20 E46 Ellen is terrified about receiving her HCG results. Harry speeds the process up and reveals she is all clear. She is overjoyed and they announce her news in the staffroom. In S20 E47 at the party which is celebrating Ellen’s remission, all the staff have fun except Abs, who is clearly feeling the strain of his split from Nina. Nina takes the stage to sing karaoke as she says farewell to her colleagues.
In S21 E1 a young man, Kevin, is brought in after taking an overdose. Ellen and Harry treats him and despite promising him he will be OK, Harry is unable to give him his full attention as he deals with Guppy’s call leaving Ellen, Somnag and Maggie treating him. When Kevin dies, Harry is upset he didn’t do his best for him. In S21 E2 Harry and Ellen saves the life of a young girl who is injured in an RTA. In S21 E3 Ellen is on a mission to convert the others to her health kick. An aggravated Kelsey decides a practical joke is the best way to get back at her, but her actions apart from Alice being collapsed from a caffeine overdose upsets Ellen. In S21 E6 Kelsey and Alice, meanwhile, continue to play their alphabet game and Kelsey wrestles with Ellen over a patients notes, but Tess finds out and orders Ellen to take the patient and is less than impressed with Kelsey for her actions. In S21 E11 during the departments closure Ellen has a brainwave to draw the public’s attention to the closure of Holby ED. She ropes in Kelsey and Alice and they all jump into the City’s water fountain in white t-shirts, causing a media frenzy. They are interviewed by a local reporter. However, the stunt results in Ellen collapsing. Meanwhile, Harry decides to express an interest in the position at St James. With the Trust insisting that if he accepts the job he mustn’t resist the closure of Holby ED, he has to decide where his loyalties lie. But after talking to Ellen, he decides to turn down the job and support Holby. In S21 E14 Ellen is on hand when Holby MP Steven who accidentally falls down the stairs in a tussle he is rushed to A&E, where he is treated by Harry and dies by a sudden heart attack. Harry advises Ellen to have a repeated scan as Sam reveals that she is off colour. In S21 E15 Ellen is terrified that her cancer has returned. She goes for the scan as arranged and is on tenterhooks while she waits for the result whilst also confiding in Harry that she is worried she won’t be able to have children. Much later in the episode she and Harry treats a woman, Merlene who gives birth to a baby girl but wants nothing more to do with the father, Robbie. she treats a poorly girl Rosie Merriman and is concerned for her mother as she tries everything to calm her down. Ellen persuades Robbie to hands over Merlene’s baby during an argument between him and Abs. However she is shocked when he then jumps through a top floor hospital window. Maggie isn’t pleased when Rosie disappears and she blames Ellen for being a total waste of time upstairs instead of doing her job and sends her to find Rosie’s medical notes. In S21 E16 Ellen is still finding the medical notes at Maggie’s request but Charlie is totally concerned about Rosie and with the help of Maggie and Ellen finds out she had been injected with insulin. Ellen also finds out that Josh has been stabbed and tries to treat him with the rest of the medical team but she is been called away by Alice and enlists the help of Kelsey to find Laura and they both track her down by every corner of the hospital. Kelsey is the first one to find them and phones Ellen and when Ellen finds her, she nearly manages to persuade her to return to the hospital until Ellen’s mobile ringing disturbs her once more. As Ellen continues to give chase, she is unexpectedly hit by a biker whilst Kelsey witnesses the scene and shouts. Ellen is taken back to hospital by Dixie and is rushed into CRASH but her injuries are too severe and they are unable to save her. The team are devestated – particularly Harry. Finally the funeral is held in S21 E17 and her old memories are reunited when a newborn baby is brought in.
Ellen’s death affects Harry and Abs but Nina and Will never went to the funeral. In S21 E26 Ellen is replaced by Nadia Talianos.
(Updated by Jonathan Tooley)
Memorable Moments