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HC Past Series

S4 E25

S4 E25  (26 Mar 02) : Gamblers by Al Hunter Ashton

Episode Summary

Sam’s flat purchase is in its final stages. Tash’s HIV test results come through: ‘negative’.

A road-gang foreman, Sean Meacher, is in for a check-up after passing out and falling badly during a drinking session, but Ric suspects that there is more to the case than the patient is admitting.

In maternity, a pregnant young teacher is brought in after an apparent epileptic fit, by her headteacher, who also happens to be the baby’s father.

A devout family refuses a blood transfusion for their seriously ill child, Jake Brandon. Father Michael, Janice and Danny all try to persuade them to allow it, when the child desperately requires one for his second operation.

Father Michael’s faith is severely tested by the arguments with the mother, and when comforted by Kath, forgets himself, and kisses her.

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