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HC Past Series

S4 E49

s4e49S4 E49 (10 Sep 02) : Ghosts by Neil McKay

Episode Summary

Its the 5-a-side footie match and Holby are losing. A player from St. James’ runs into Ed, deliberately knocking him over. As Ed goes to take the free kick, he sees his ex-wife.

Lisa and her Dad arrive at the hospital. Lisa questions her father about his scan. Lisa then teases Danny about his relationship with Diane.

Ric and Diane are doing a hernia op on David whose wife is up in maternity about to give birth.

Back at the footie match Ed speaks to his ex, Natalie, he then finds out she is living with David, the guy who knocked Ed over earlier. David teases Ed, so Ed turns and hits him, knocking him out. Ed declares he’s fine while Mubbs checks him out, hes not breathing and has no pulse, he’s far from fine. An ambulance is called while Owen, Mubbs, Steve and Ed try to resuscitate him.

Danny has an obs assesment and Kath explains this to a patient. She tells Danny he will get no special treatment, and she will do things properly, even though he is her son. She then offers to go with Lisa’s Dad to get his results and “hold his hand!” Diane teases Danny about the books he is revising from. Danny complains to Diane about Kath.

Lisa’s dad gets his test results which show he has a tumor. Kath comforts him. Meanwhile, Chrissie and Natalie talk outisde the theatre. She tells him that Ed hit David! Chrissie tells Tom, and Ed stops operating, but Tom tells him to stay in theatre.

Kath sees Danny and Diane flirting, and then blames Danny when David goes missing. Danny finds him at the bottom of a flight of stairs, after being pushed by his father in-law.

David comes round and Ed tells Natalie that he still thinks about her and still wants her! Natalie tells Tom to give Ed a message. He tells her Ed is throwing himself into his job and then doesnt pass on the message.

Lisa gets the promotion and she is so happy, her Dad doesnt tell her about the tumour!

(Katie Emmings)


Terry Fox- He has come in for scans of his stomach to find the cause of his pain. Ric tells him that he has a mass in the stomach, which could be cancer, but he is not sure. Hoping not to worry Lisa, he later tells her that he has to go in for a hernia operation, rather than admitting the truth.

David Keelan- He is the man that Ed hit at the football match. He is 28 years old, and seems perfectly healthy. He has a MI and is rushed into theatre by Tom and Ed. Tom being unaware of the situation until David’s girlfriend Natalie, and Ed’s ex wife tells Chrissie who then informs Tom. In theatre, Tom discovers he has a hear condition. He is later moved to a private ward by Tom to prevent Ed from being near Natalie.

Christian Connolly- He is a patient of Diane and Ric’s who is having a hernia removed. He is also the husband and father of Joanna who later gives birth. After her dad discovers this, Christian is pushed down the stairs, and rushed back into theatre with internal bleeding. He makes a full recovery, even without his spleen, which was removed.

Joanna Townsend- A private patient of Owen’s (He is called in from the football match to attend to her). She is the wife of Christian, and she later gives birth to a little boy. She is also unaware of the situation involving Christian and her dad, until a wise Danny tells her mum. Joanna and her mum vow never to see or speak to her dad again.

(Katie Emmings)

First Scene/words

[It is the day of the charity 5 a side football match between Holby and St James’. After a harsh tackle by a player from another team, Ed begins to get violent. This violence increasing when he finds that the man intimidating him is his ex-wife’s boyfriend. The situation gets worse, and after taunts from David (The St James’ player), Ed hits him and David collapses.]

Last Scene/words

[Ed walks into Tom’s office, questioning the whereabouts of David. He is told by Tom that he was moved due to a “bed management” scheme, whilst Tom was doing this, he said that A&E needed Ed’s skills. Ed also questions this, as when he went there, no one knew anything of him being needed. Trying to avoid this situation, Tom tells Ed that it has been a hard day, and that he should go home and rest to prepare for tomorrow’s work. Ed agrees, and walks out, leaving a pleased Tom in his office.]

Music played

Into my Arms- By Nick Cave

(Laura B)

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