S4 E15 (15 Jan 02) : Trust by Stuart Morris
Episode Summary
Chrissie’s affair with Alistair is being openly discussed but a defiant Chrissie tells Kath: ‘I don’t know why I’ve beencast as the evil temptress when it was Alistair who broke all the promises.’ Steve is unimpressed when Chrissie asks after Janice, who refuses to take Alistair’s phone calls.
Janice is dealing with a couple, Eva and Gary James, whose son, Brice, needs a bone marrow transplant. WhenGary’s blood sample isn’t compatible, it becomes clear he isn’t the biological father. Janice’s own situation makes her unsympathetic towards Eva.
Cash-strapped Ric’s problems deepen when his 19-year-old student daughter Jess turns upasking for money. Despite the increasing financial pressures, Ric is determined to stick to his principles and turns down the offer of urgent work from a private hospital. But his beliefs are compromised when the private patient is rushed into Holby as an emergency, forcing him to delay a long-planned throat operation on Mary Reilly, to the fury of Mary’s daughter Vicky. However, he reluctantly accepts a generous tip from José’s wife and gives this money to Jess, telling her she doesn’t realise how much it has cost him.
Danny plans Luka’s second birthday party and is touched that his previously sceptical mother, Kath, is embracing his new family. They are trying to ensure the party is an alcohol-free zone so that Simon stays sober, but he stocks up anyway. However, the party is ruined by an unexpected arrival – Marija’s husband, Goran. Danny asks his irate parents to leave. Crestfallen and confused, Danny asks Marija what she is going to do: ‘I don’t know. He is Luka’s father. I love him but I thought he was dead.’ Meanwhile, back at home, a drunken Simon lashes out at Kath, hitting and cutting her face.
A bouquet of flowers from Alistair causes a flare-up between Janice and Chrissie. Never one to take a hint, a confident Chrissie follows Janice into her office, telling her: ‘Alistair begged me to carry on seeing him.’ She then advises Janice not to take him back: ‘You’re better off without him.’ Janice responds by slapping her and later confides in Steve that she is not sure what to do but she needs to ‘think about the baby’.