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Cas Series

S7 E02

S7 E2 (19 Sep 92) : Cry Wolf by David Richard-Fox

Episode Summary

General Manager, Kate Miller, is shadowing a night shift at Holby A&E. After having an argument with his father, a teenage boy, Alan, speeds off on his motorbike. He is later involved in a collision with Mary, a friend of Josh’s from Personnel. Josh, walking home, arrives at the scene, while he calls for help, an interfering GP removes Alan’s crash helmet, putting his spinal cord at risk, angering Josh. Alan’s father and sister, Lucy, visit him back at the department, where Julian is unsure of the full extent of his injuries. Josh wants to tell Alan’s father about the GP, but instead says no-one was to blame.

An American couple, Ed and Carol, arrive at casualty, after Ed receives a cut nose from being mugged. Julian stitches up his cut and they are impressed with the service, especially surprised to find the NHS is a free service. They overhear Julian arguing with Kate that they couldn’t afford a spinal board to treat Alan with, and offer to pay £500 towards it.

A toddler, Sam, is brought in by his father, Chris and his girlfriend, Paula, after swallowing cannabis, which was left lying around the house. He needs his stomach pumped and Duffy is angry towards Paula.

Sandra believes a patient, Georgia, to be a hopper, when she comes in with stomach pains. She admits to having faked pains in the past, but says this time the pain is real. Julian finds her real problem is an obstructed bowel, but by then she has fled. She is later brought back in after collapsing.

A man with a cut finger also complains about the time he has waited. Duffy reveals to having a live-in lodger to help her look after Peter, we find out Ash has a girlfriend and Maxine gets a warning from Charlie for not passing on information and chewing gum.


* Teenager, Alan Morgan – his motorbike crashes into a car. Suffers spinal injuries.

* Car driver, Mary – minor injuries after crashing into Alan.

* Georgia King – thought to be a hopper, needs an operation for an obstructed bowel

* American, Ed Rynhart – needs stitches for a cut nose after being mugged.

* Toddler Sam – swallows cannabis, needs stomach pumped.

First Scene/words

In a pub;

Woman : Mine’s a gin and tonic thanks, hi girls sorry I’m late.

Woman : Shh (playing darts, throws and cheers)

Josh : Lucky.. stitch that!

Des : Who’s that?

Josh : Mary, Personnel, been here for weeks.

Des : Bit tasty…

Josh : Out of your league!

Last Scene/words

Sandra : Georgia, you’ve got an obstructed bowel, it’s official!

Georgia : I’ll die if they operate.

Sandra : I thought you didn’t mind that, do you know what my mother used to say when we got a bruise, se says if it hurts, you know you’re on the mend! Cubicle one, and you stay put.

Notable Facts

* Paul Reynolds plays Alan Morgan

* Josh reveals his first accident as a paramedic was an RTA, in which lots of children died on a motorway.

Screencaps : S7 E2

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