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Cas Series

S17 E14

S17 E14 (14 Dec 02) : Feuds and Fury by Julian Spilsbury

Episode Summary

Comfort and Fin’s double date is still on but Fin’s less than enthusiastic. He convinces Tony to call him and pose as Juliet so he can get out of it. Comfort’s convinced but unfortunately Nikki overhears Tony’s performance and goes straight to Comfort. Colette and Simon are still flirting and Colette’s already lying to Josh – she told him Simon’s necklace was a present from her daughter.

Harry is trying to do the right thing by Lara, despite Beth seeming increasingly unhappy about her staying. When Harry asks Lara how the flat hunting’s going, he ends up inviting her to stay for Christmas. She’s thrilled, she’s loving staying with Harry and the family and had nothing planned for Christmas. But Anna, who overhears, suspects Harry’s motives and accuses him of moving through every woman in the department.

It looks set to be a busy night for everyone, even those not working. Dillon is babysitting for Roxy while she goes for a night out with her friends, or so she tells him. Lara’s also doing the same for an increasingly spiky Beth. And Jack’s working on the door of a new club for his dad. But Colette’s night is going to be quieter than it could be, she turns down Simon’s drink because Josh is waiting for her at home.

It looks like Jack’s not going to have a quiet night at Liberation. He spots what he thinks is a dealer and heads straight to tell Eddie who’s ready to deal with it. They confront him in the toilets and, while Jack keeps watch, they empty his pockets and beat him up. They dump his lifeless body outside the club in some rubbish bags.

Later, on a routine sweep outside the club Jack sees a man being run over – he realises it’s the dealer from earlier. The police arrive and take Jack in for questioning. His dad warns him to keep an eye on him and make sure he says nothing to the police. Nikki, who attends the scene, is suspicious about Jack’s involvement but Jack’s saying nothing.

Comfort’s out with Russell but for her the spark has gone from the relationship. She’s silent during the meal and then tells him it’s over between them. She rushes across the road to a taxi firm – coincidentally where Roxy has taken an evening job – and orders a cab to Fin’s house. She arrives, Fin admits his earlier deception, and the two fall into each other’s arms.

When Beth gets back from her night out, Lara takes her chance to ask if she’s happy having her stay. Beth is evasive but Lara’s too busy telling her how much she’s enjoyed staying with them to really notice. Meanwhile, Jack is sticking up for his dad by threatening the drug dealer to keep quiet. But it’s obviously not a role he feels comfortable in and the dealer says he’s going to tell the police everything. His dad, ever the paternal figure, offers Jack the advice of appealing to either the dealer’s greed or fear. He says one or the other will undoubtedly work.

Jack tries the fear approach but the dealer isn’t convinced by Jack as a tough guy. But it seems to have worked, he says nothing to the police about the beating, and it looks like Eddie has got away with it this time. Jack’s pleased to have his dad’s approval but feels guilty that the driver has been charged. Tony tells him this confirms his dad’s trouble and tells Jack to stay away. But when Eddie says he’s proud of him all his doubts melt away.

When Harry gets back from A&E he’s greeted by an obviously annoyed Beth. Harry tries to explain that he didn’t mean to ask Lara for Christmas without consulting her but Beth’s not convinced. She wonders if Harry would be so keen to help if Lara wasn’t so attractive. Harry vehemently denies the charge, but this is the second time he’s been doubted today. Is Harry to be trusted?

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