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Cas Series

S8 E14

S8 E14 (11 Dec 93) : The Good Life by Susan Wilkins

Episode Summary

Behind the scenes at Les Sylphides, Holby’s most fashionable restaurant, Italian pastry chef Gio watches jealously as waitress Eileen flirts with Victor, the manager. Jealousy turns to anger when Gio discovers that Eileen and Victor have spent the night together, and, in order to stop Gio from killing Victor, the meat chef cracks Gio over the head with a bread board. As Gio recovers in casualty, Victor arrives to tell him that a representative of a top restaurant guide will be dining at Les Sylphides thatevening. Against medical advice, Gio leaves to prepare his most celebrated dish, but just as he is adding the fninishing touches to his masterpiece he collapses. Back at Holby, Eileen agrees to go to Italy with him, but Mary shows Eileen a snapshot she has found of Gio with his wife.

While Gerry Talbot and his son William are out backpacking, Gerry is stung in the troast by a bee. The paramedics are soon on the scene, but Gerry is too ill to be moved. Receiving instructions from Mike by radio, Josh has to cut a hole in Gerry’s windpipe.

Gloria confesses to her husband that she is unable to cope any longer with her father’s senile dementia, and together with they dump the old man at Holby.

Mark asks Jane to fax a press leak tot he Holby post; and Karen frantically struggles to revise for her forthcoming exams.

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