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HC Past Series

S8 E45

Episode Summary

There has been a multiple car pile-up and Chrissie, [ID 1598]Sam[/ID] and Connie are at the front desk sorting out the incoming patients. Connie and Sam make suggestive comments about their night of passion but Chrissie is oblivious to what went on. That evening, Chrissie asks Sam out for a drink. He agrees and goes to see Connie, telling her they need to talk. Will he be able to break things off with her or will she get her wicked way again?

[ID 1443]Mark[/ID] plans to propose to Tricia and shows Lola the diamond ring he has brought for her. The pair treat HIV patient, Roger, who has been injured in the RTA. He learns he has brain cancer. Mark decides to call his estranged son, Zack, against his said wishes. Roger and Zack make up but Mark is angry when Tricia helps Zack hide his drug addiction from Roger. As Tricia prepares to leave for the day she is shocked to find the ring and realises what Mark’s intentions are. She refuses his proposal, worried they are rushing things.

Kyla is warned she might lose Max and demands a decent barrister. Knowing it’s going to cost a lot, she gladly accepts an extra shift from Chrissie and gets stuck in with the car-crash victims. However, things take a turn for the worse when she is rude to a woman who turns out to be the CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) officer assigned to her case. Stressed out by a manic day, and with her personal problems getting the better of her, Kyla ends up arguing with Chrissie and accidentally pushes her on to the floor in front of everyone.

A couple, Mal and Caroline, who are due to get married, are also amongst the injured. Caroline has full thickness burns to her face which concerns Mal. When they learn driver Mal was under the influence of alcohol, Sam tries to blackmail him into showing his support to Caroline. When staff notice congestion problems with many of the patient, they are forced to shut down the wards due to contamination.


* Mal – smoke inhalation.

* Caroline – full thickness burns to face, breathing problems from sheep dip poisening.

* Roger Nash – HIV patient with brain cancer.

* Jill Kent – asthma

Notable Facts

* The episode sparked controvery when it was clear that a passionate scene involving Sam and Connie at the end of the episode had been cut.

* Andrew Lewis plays Paul Rose.

* Jeff Rawle plays Roger Nash.

* Sam and Connie flirt at the beginning of shift, Sam quips ‘Mrs Beauchamp – you’re out of shower gel!’

* Sam is concerned about Connie being his boss at work and a lover in the bedroom ‘You can’t turn me on and off like a switch,’ he tells her.

* ‘You keep shutting me out,’ Mark tells Tricia. ‘I’m scared Tricia and we can’t even talk about what’s going on.’

* ‘I thought we’d decided you’d let me do this my way.’ Tricia replies. ‘No you decided, your body your cancer.’ Mark adds. ‘I thought you were with me on this one?’ Tricia says. Mark concludes ‘How can I be with you when we’re facing this alone?’

* ‘Don’t tell me you’ve got a mystery woman?’ Kyla says to Joseph. ‘No I can assure you I haven’t,’ he replies in seriousness.

* ‘What must they be thinking?’ Kyla confides in Joseph following her outburst. Joseph tries to cheer her up ‘I think they’re all looking forward to the next round… sorry I don’t do Mr Strachan’s timing!’

UK Viewing Figures


Screencaps : S8 E45

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